Your creation, fully realized.

A retired champion, called back to a life of adventuring. A novice paladin, finally exploring the world beyond her abbey’s walls. A quippy sorcerer with a penchant for dueling. Your original characters have lived inside your mind and now you get to see them exactly as you have imagined. These are very personal creations, and The Illustrated Spellbook works closely with clients to bring their inner worlds to life.


Full Length

Your character in all their glory. Dynamic or formal, these full-length custom character portraits show off your character from head to toe.

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half portrait

Get up close and personal with your character. Expressive and individual.

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Meet your character face-to-face. Ideal for avatars.

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Showcase the items and effects that define your character, alongside a full-body portrait.

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Custom painting

Custom in every way, these can be posters, landscapes, action scenes, weaponry or jewelry design, or anything else you can imagine.

See examples here